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Weight:1.000 KG
Screen Size:15 Inch
Operating Voltage:DC24V

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VitalMRO is Authorized Distributor for This Product. 

Display specifications
Display type 
Display size 
1,024 x 768 pixels (XGA)
Auto scaling 
Effective display area 
W304.1 x H228.1 mm [W11.97 x H8.98 in.]
Display colors 
16 million colors
White LED (Not user replaceable. When replacement is required, contact your local distributor.)
Backlight service life 
50,000 hrs. or more (each in continuous operation at 25 °C [77 °F] before backlight brightness decreases to 50%)
Brightness control 
0 to 100 (Adjusted with touch panel or software)
Brightness sensor 
Touch panel type 
Resistive Film (analog, multi-touch)
Touch panel resolution 
1,024 x 1,024
Touch panel lifetime 
1,000,000 times or more
Electrical specifications
Rated input voltage 
12 to 24 Vdc
Input voltage limits 
10.8 to 28.8 Vdc
Allowable voltage drop 
12 Vdc: 1.25 ms or less
24 Vdc: 5 ms or less
Power consumption 
Max. 22 W
When power is not supplied to external devices: 19 W or less
Backlight OFF (Stand-by mode): 6 W or less
Backlight adjusted (20%): 11 W or less
In-rush current 
30 A or less
Noise immunity 
Noise Voltage : 1,000 Vp-p
Pulse Duration : 1 µs
Rise Time : 1 ns
(via noise simulator)
Voltage endurance 
1,000 Vac, 20 mA for 1 minute (between power terminal and FG terminals)
Insulation resistance 
500 Vdc, 10 MΩ or more (between power terminal and FG terminals)

1Power consumption for Display Module only

Environmental specifications
International safety standards 
Surrounding air temperature 
0 to 60 °C [32 to 140 °F]
Storage temperature 
-20 to +60 °C [-4 to 140 °F]
Ambient humidity 
10 to 90 % RH (Wet bulb temperature: 39 °C [102.2 °F] max. - no condensation)
Storage humidity 
10 to 90 % RH (Wet bulb temperature: 39 °C [102.2 °F] max. - no condensation)
0.1 mg/m3 (10-7 oz/ft3) or less (non-conductive levels)
Pollution degree 
For use in Pollution Degree 2 environment
Corrosive gases 
Free of corrosive gases
Air pressure (altitude range) 
800 to 1,114 hPa (2,000 m [6,561 ft.] above sea level or less)
Vibration resistance 
IEC/EN 61131-2 compliant
5 to 9 Hz single amplitude 3.5 mm [0.14 in.]
9 to 150 Hz fixed acceleration: 9.8 m/s2
X, Y, Z directions for 10 cycles (approx. 100 min.)
Concussion resistance 
IEC/EN 61131-2 compliant 147 m/s2, X, Y, Z directions for 3 times
Electrostatic discharge immunity 
Contact Discharge Method: 6 kV
Air Discharge Method: 8 kV
(IEC/EN61000-4-2 Level 3)
Interface specifications
USB (Type A) 
Conforms to USB 2.0 (Type A) x 1
Power supply voltage: 5 Vdc ±5 %
Output Current: 500 mA
Communication distance: 5 m [16.4 ft.]

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