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Weight:1.040 KG
Screen Size:5.7 Inch
Operating Voltage:DC24V

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VitalMRO is Authorized Distributor for This Product. 

Display specifications
Display type 
Display size 
320 x 240 pixels (QVGA)
Effective display area 
W115.2 x H86.4 mm [W4.54 x H3.40 in.]
Display colors 
65,536 colors (No blink) / 16,384 colors (Blink)
White LED (Not user replaceable. When replacement is required, contact your local distributor.)
Backlight service life 
50,000 hrs. or more (each in continuous operation at 25 °C [77 °F] before backlight brightness decreases to 50%)
Brightness control 
8 Levels (Adjusted with touch panel or software)
Touch panel type 
Resistive Film (analog)
Touch panel resolution 
1,024 x 1,024
Touch panel lifetime 
1,000,000 times or more
Language fonts 
Japanese: 6,962 (JIS Standards 1 & 2) (including 607 non-kanji characters), ANK: 158 (Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Thai and Cyrillic can be added from the font setting of the screen editor. )
Character sizes 
Standard font: 8 x 8, 8 x 16, 16 x 16 and 32 x 32 pixel fonts, Stroke font: 6 to 127 pixel fonts, Image font: 8 to 72 pixel fonts
Font sizes 
Standard font: Width can be expanded up to 8 times. Height can be expanded up to 8 times.*1
8 x 8 dots 
40 char. x 30 rows
8 x 16 dots 
40 char. x 15 rows
16 x 16 dots 
20 char. x 15 rows
32 x 32 dots 
10 char. x 7 rows

1Other font sizes can be set up with the Editor software.

Electrical specifications
Rated input voltage 
24 Vdc
Input voltage limits 
19.2 to 28.8 Vdc
Allowable voltage drop 
5 ms or less
Power consumption 
10.5 W or less
In-rush current 
30 A or less
Noise immunity 
Noise Voltage : 1,000 Vp-p
Pulse Duration : 1 µs
Rise Time : 1 ns
(via noise simulator)
Voltage endurance 
1,000 Vac, 20 mA for 1 minute (between power terminal and FG terminals)
Insulation resistance 
500 Vdc, 10 MΩ or more (between power terminal and FG terminals)
Environmental specifications
International safety standards 
Surrounding air temperature 
0 to 50 °C [32 to 122 °F]
Storage temperature 
-20 to +60 °C [-4 to 140 °F]
Ambient humidity 
10 to 90 % RH (Wet bulb temperature: 39 °C [102.2 °F] max. - no condensation)
Storage humidity 
10 to 90 % RH (Wet bulb temperature: 39 °C [102.2 °F] max. - no condensation)
0.1 mg/m3 (10-7 oz/ft3) or less (non-conductive levels)
Pollution degree 
For use in Pollution Degree 2 environment
Corrosive gases 
Free of corrosive gases
Air pressure (altitude range) 
800 to 1,114 hPa (2,000 m [6,561 ft.] above sea level or less)
Vibration resistance 
IEC/EN 61131-2 compliant
5 to 9 Hz single amplitude 3.5 mm [0.14 in.]
9 to 150 Hz fixed acceleration: 9.8 m/s2
X, Y, Z directions for 10 cycles (approx. 100 min.)
Concussion resistance 
IEC/EN 61131-2 compliant 147 m/s2, X, Y, Z directions for 3 times

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